How Long Does It Take For Tattoo Bubbling To Heal? (Facts You Should Know)

Getting a tattoo is super popular year after year with more tattoo parlours and artists popping up in most countries, with designs being showcased on platforms such as Instagram and tick tock.

Here Is How Long It Takes For Tattoo Bubbling To Heal:

It normally can take anywhere up to 6 months for bubbling to heal. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the length of bubbling which include the:

1. Size of the tattoo
2. Location of the tattoo
3. The type of ink used on the tattoo
4. Type of Skin of the person getting the tattoo
5. Experience of the Tattoo Artist
6. Amount of Blood supply to the area
7. Age of the person.

We will be discussing throughout this article the above reasons for the timeframe for tattoo bubbling in further detail, how to dry a bubbling tattoo out, and what happens if bubbling lasts longer than 6 months.

How Long Does It Take For Tattoo Bubbling To Heal?

It can take up to 6 months (and sometimes longer) for tattoo bubbling to heal. Sometimes it is best to leave tattoo bubbling alone, because excessive drying out of the area may cause more damage than good. There are some factors that may influence the healing time of a tattoo, such as the size and location of the tattoo. They include:

1. The Size of the Tattoo

The larger a tattoo is, the more ink needs to be deposited. This results in longer healing times because there is more inflammation and scabbing which may take weeks or months. Also, if your tattoo is larger than four square inches, you should consider getting it lasered off by a laser removal expert.

2. The Location of the Tattoo

Tattoos located on areas with lots of movement (and rubbing), such as knees, elbows, feet, and hands may take much longer to heal than tattoos on the side or back. Also, tattoos in certain areas are more susceptible to bubbling up because there is constant friction in that area. For example, a tattoo on the bicep is much more likely to bubble up because there’s a lot of arm movement and weightlifting.

3. The Type of Ink Used

Different inks can play a big factor in how long it takes for tattoos to heal. Different organic pigments have different settling times, which means they enter the skin at different speeds. Green pigments for example may take much longer to settle into the skin, than black ink. Also, you need to consider where your tattoo is located (see #2).

4. The Type of Skin

People with sensitive skin may experience more tenderness and discomfort days after getting their tattoos. This means it will take longer for tattoos to heal on people with sensitive skin. Skins that are also oilier, such as those that produce lots of sebum (natural skin oil), may take much longer because the ink has a hard time setting into the skin.

5. The Size and Depth of the Dyes or Particles

Different pigments can be broken down differently based on their size and depth. For example, black ink is usually made up of larger particles, such as carbon black and titanium dioxide. The size and depth of the particles may also factor into how long it takes for tattoos to heal.

6. The Health Status of the Person

Individuals that have a compromised immune system may take much longer to heal. An impaired immune system is one with lowered resistance to infections, which can delay healing and cause more discomfort. People with diabetes are also at higher risk for delayed healing.

7. The Experience of the Tattoo Artist

A tattoo artist with more experience may be able to get tattoos to heal much quicker than someone who is just learning. This is because they are able to adjust their needle groups for finer adjustments, which may allow them to deposit less ink and reduce scar tissue formation. Also, they are more likely to choose the right tattoo inks for you, and to use a single needle pass.

8. Type of Care

It is important that the person who gets a new tattoo provides proper care. If they don’t take good care of it, then it may take much longer to heal due to infections or other possible skin conditions. In addition, if the person frequently picks at or scrubs away the scabs, it may cause more scarring.

9. The Amount of Blood Supply to the Area

Getting a tattoo in an area with less blood supply may lead to impaired healing time. This is because there is not enough oxygen and nutrients present for proper cell growth. Areas that are typically slow to heal include the spine, ribs, sternum, and sides of feet.

10. The Age of the Person

It has been found that older people take longer to heal because their skin does not repair itself as quickly. This is due to reduced collagen production and slower cell turnover, which results in stiffer skin with less pliability. As you age, your body also produces less hyaluronic acid (HA), which is an important component in keeping your skin soft and supple.

Why Is My Tattoo Bubbling?

Tattoo bubbling can be very common, especially on tattoos with large amounts of shading. Tattoos with lots of tiny details may also bubble up.

As the tattoo heals, the scabs on top are usually thin and fragile, which means they are not able to hold on to the ink. This causes some particles to flake off, which leads to the bubbling effect.

Usually, the top layer of the scab falls off on its own, so tattoo bubbling should subside as time goes by. Some people with tattoos that are prone to scarring may experience wrinkling or bagginess. This is because scar tissue tends to stick out more than ordinary skin.

Does Tattoo Bubbling Go Away?

Yes, as the tattoo heals and settles into the skin, the colour particles will be less likely to flake off. It usually takes about 2-3 weeks for a tattoo to heal completely.

However, if you have particularly dry or sensitive skin it may take longer (see #3). Also, tattoos on areas with less blood supply, such as the spine or sides of feet, may take longer to heal.

How To Dry Out A Bubbling Tattoo?

The best way to dry out a bubbling tattoo is to keep it out of the water and apply an antibacterial ointment, such as Mr Bees Manuka.

This will help reduce bacterial growth and speed up the healing process. You can also decrease your chances of infection by using clean equipment on all tattoos. Also, refrain from touching the area and let it heal on its own.

What Happens If My Tattoo Is Bubbling Months Or Years Later?

If you notice your tattoo is bubbling after a few months, then the issue may be related to colour fading. Some tattoos will itch during this time due to constant exposure to the sun and other elements.

If your tattoo still has not healed after several months, then you should see a dermatologist or doctor have it checked out for any possible infections or skin conditions.

It is important to visit a reputable artist when getting a new tattoo so you can be sure they are following proper safety standards. They should also use quality tattoo inks that are free of harmful chemicals, such as steroids or petroleum.

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