Do Tattoos and Sensitive Skin Work? (All Revealed)

Piercing and body art are the most popular ways to self- expression. Tattoo particularly is a common way of exhibiting your individuality. Besides, one can opt to have a temporary one or a permanent one.

Here Is How You Can Combine A Tattoo With Sensitive Skin:

Tattoos can work with sensitive skin, but there will be extra factors you will need to consider when the tattoo is healing to help stop any infection or inflammation. These include:

Redness/Irritation (get a good natural aftercare cream)

Infection (get a good natural aftercare cream)

Allergic Reaction

In this guide we will go through and answer all your questions so you will know how to handle your next tattoo. So let’s get started.

Is It Ok To Get A Tattoo With Sensitive Skin?

The answer rest on which side of the angle you look at it. Yes, it is ok to get a tattoo despite your skin being sensitive.

However, Issues may arise when healing, but complications are unlikely to happen on your skin when done in the right manner.

Before getting a tattoo, discuss first with your tattoo artist or doctor if you have sensitive skin.

Do Tattoos Ruin Your Skin?

After a tattoo heals the danger zone is over, when a tattoo is in the healing process that is when negative factors can occur on people.

Some of the issues that crop up (in some people) that may affect sensitive skin are:


·Redness and itching of the skin

·Hypopigmented or Hyper: if the tattoo is a cover-up to your skin

·Allergic reaction, especially due to the ink.

How Do You Treat A Tattoo On Sensitive Skin?

If your skin is sensitive, it is good to take precautions to heal the wound around the tattoo in the best manner.

Best aftercare precautions for you to consider before you get a tattoo:

Pay attention to your tattoo artist

Your artist will, of course, provide you with the best tips on how to care for your tattoo. Besides, follow them keenly, for they are important for your sensitive skin. Please do not hesitate to enquire more about the care should you have any doubt.

After all, it will make your work much easier for healing.

·Avoid abrasive or tight clothing

You will note that this avoids the need for wrapping the tattoo.

In case the need to wrap, change the plastic often. More so, every hour or when it begins to be sticky or sweaty. Amicably, it prevents you from getting any infection like bacteria to your skin.

Wash with gentle, unscented soap

Your skin is now very delicate and sensitive to a couple of things.

Wash the area around the tattoo a few hours after getting it done. Eventually, this facilitates in removing sweat, plasma or any blood on your sensitive skin. Care for the skin at your level best.

Use antimicrobial soap for this. Furthermore, the soap is free from any harsh chemicals. Do this for the next three days.

Make sure your hands are well cleansed to avoid germs entering the wound. Typically, this will make your skin calm and clean.

·Air dry

Pat your tattoo to dry with a fresh sheet. Would you please avoid wiping using paper across the tattoo since it may hurt or damage your skin? Air drying aids in speeding up healing and the unlikelihood of the wound opening up.

Use the right aftercare cream

Your expert tattoo artist will advise you on the best cream for the healing process.

Unscented body butter is good for your sensitive skin. Make an ideal choice for the cream. You will have to purchase it before getting the tattoo fixed.

In addition, do not use thick ointment. Chances of increased risks of developing pimples and rashes on your skin may prop up. The cream is a good moisturising oil for the area around the tattoo. Here is a article on a great American aftercare cream Hustle Butter.

Is It Ok To Get A Tattoo If You Have Eczema?

Despite the risk, plenty of people do get tattoos. They get it for several reasons like; it gives a sense of confidence, overshadows the skin part with eczema, and is cool.

Your skin is already sensitive if you have any pre-existing skin condition like eczema.

Before getting it, you can seek advice from your tattoo artist, an allergist or dermatologist.

Key Tips to consider before getting a tattoo if you have eczema.

Suffering from eczema does not necessarily mean you can’t get a tattoo on your skin. However, there are several things to look into:

·No open wounds; If you have eczema, there should be no active, open wounds or flare-ups around the area.

·Research on tattoo ink: You can go for vegan ink. Besides, it contains sources of pigments and cleaner detergents-for example, iron oxide.

·Choose the right tattoo artist: Check online and get views on how other customers react-research on tattoo style and the artist personality.

Besides, it will boost your confidence toward the artist, and you will open up to them about your skin condition.

How Do You Know If Your Skin Is Too Sensitive For A Tattoo?

Getting a tattoo is awesome. However, it is advisable to look at how your skin reacts to it. Having sensitive skin means that your skin is exposed to more danger after getting the tattoo.

Here are five reactions sensitive skin users may have:


An infection may crop up several days, months after applying ink or immediately after getting the tattoo.

Signs of infection may develop, and you are likely to notice the following;

·Continuous pains might worsen.

·You will note rashes which later develop into painful bumps around the area.

You develop fever

·Open wounds and sores around the tattoo


b)Ink reaction

You will note that you are allergic to ink and will develop skin rashes. In addition, they will appear immediately, weeks or after years later. You may notice the following;


·Skin crusts

·The areas around the tattoo will have watery fluid and leaks.

c)Sun allergy

Once you are subjected to sunshine, you will note that some rashes develop. In addition, they may be itchy, hives or blisters.

d)The appearance of skin disease

Your skin is too sensitive if you notice that a skin condition has appeared after pursuing a tattoo. Signs may crop up within 10 to 20 days.

The chances of skin cancer developing is very high.

e)Swollen lymph nodes

They appear in the area around the tattoo. The nodes are a clear reflection of how your skin reacts. Swollen nodes are much painful.

Kindly always seek medical attention if you experience one of the stated skin reactions. You can opt to call your artist, if need be, for action.


You will note that at the end of the day, your body test comes first. Decide whether to pursue a tattoo or not. After all, what matters most is how you care for your sensitive skin.

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