Are Tattoos allowed in Australia (5 Facts Revealed)

Getting a new tattoo is a big decision to make at any time. Apart from the initial decision of getting one there are other things for you to factor in before you get inked.

Here Is How Tattooing Is Accepted In Australia:

Generally tattoos are accepted in Australia (as it is a pretty laid back country). In some circumstances though e.g certain professions they can be frowned upon if they are visible to the eye.

This includes: Job interviews and the older generational views.

Here is everything you need to know about tattoos and what is acceptable and lawful in different states of Australia.

Are Tattoos Accepted In Australia?

If you have even been to Australia or are thinking of visiting here you would come to realise that tattoos are extremely popular. If you look at a crowd of people you would have to say that 1 in 5 people have a visible tattoo.

Tattoos are extremely popular with the younger generation of Aussie’s (in the 15-45 year old age bracket).

So it would be fair to say that general population is accepting of tattoos in Australia. You will generally not be frowned or looked down upon with a tattoo whilst out and about.

There are certain circumstances within job interviews, and with some of the older generation (baby boomers) that don’t approve of tattoos.

So if you are going for a job interview and you can cover up your tattoo it would be a wise decision to make.

There are no laws here in Australia that discriminate against someone with a tattoo, but in a job interview for instance you don’t really know what the interviewer’s opinion of a tattoos are.

So you would really never know if a visible tattoo affected your chance at landing a job or position.

Are Tattoos Illegal In Australia?

Tattoos have never been illegal in Australia. Convicts that were brought from the UK in the 1800’s to Tasmania and many had tattoos at that time.

Over 30 percent of the convicts had a tattoo which is a high percentage at that time.

Since this period to the present day tattoos have never been illegal, and actually 25 percent of the whole population of 25 million people have a tattoo. This whopping number equals to 6.25 million people.

Please note: there are now over 200 Tattoo studios Australia wide to choose from so it will never be illegal here.

What Age Can You Get A Tattoo In Australia?

Each state of Australia has different rules and laws concerning tattoos. Below is a list of each State with the legal age.

Victoria- You must be 18 years of age to get your first tattoo. You have to show identification to prove your legal age before you can be tattooed.

New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory- You generally need to be 18 to get your first tattoo. It is a little bit more relaxed than Victoria, if you get your parents permission in writing (or they go to the tattoo shop with you) you are able to get a tattoo before the age of 18.

Western Australia- You must be 16 years of age to be able to get your first tattoo. You also must have your parents permission in writing to be able to be tattooed.

South Australia- You must be 18 years of age to get your first tattoo. You have to show identification to prove your legal age before you can be tattooed.

Queensland- You must be 18 years of age to get your first tattoo. You have to show identification to prove your legal age before you can be tattooed.

Northern Territory- You must be 18 years of age to get your first tattoo. You have to show identification to prove your legal age before you can be tattooed.

Tasmania- You must be 18 yars of age to get your first tattoo. You have to show identification to prove your legal age before you can be tattooed.

Australia has 2 states that allow tattoos with parents consent at the age of 16 which is New South Wales/ACT and Western Australia. Every other state you must be 18 years old.

What Are The Costs Of A Tattoo In Australia?

Tattoos can vary in price depending on the experience of the Tattoo artist.

It can also depend on on the complexity of the design e.g a size of a tattoo can be the same size on 2 different people, but one can be much more difficult to draw, this would then increase the price.

Below is a general chart of the costing’s of getting a tattoo in each state of Australia. Keep in mind the above as this may vary a bit per artist.


Small Tattoo: $115.00 -$145.00

Medium Tattoo: $650.00-$750.00

Large Tattoo: $1400.00-$1600.00

New South Wales:

Small Tattoo: $115.00-$145.00

Medium Tattoo: $650.00-$750.00

Large Tattoo: $1400.00-$1600.00


Small Tattoo: $110.00- $140.00

Medium Tattoo: $650.00-$750.00

Large Tattoo: $1400.00-$1600.00

Western Australia:

Small Tattoo: $145.00-$160.00

Medium Tattoo: $725.00-$775.00

Large Tattoo: $1400.00-$1600.00

South Australia:

Small Tattoo: $125.00- $150.00

Medium Tattoo: $725.00- $775.00

Large Tattoo: $1400-$1600.00


Small Tattoo: $125.00-$150.00

Medium Tattoo: $725.00- $775.00

Large Tattoo: $1400-$1600.00

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